The Cucaracha of Congress, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is fairly well-known for spouting out little “ideas” that most people would figure out were, well, dumb. This time, it seems the Baby Boss has been perusing the proposed budget sheet for the upcoming months, and had her little mind blown by what she saw, leading her to proclaim in an open session of Congress that : “Wow! We pay soldiers WAY too much!”

The average pray for an American soldier today works out to about $23.50 per hour. Just to compare, Colin Kaepernick makes millions a year to kneel for the anthem that they fight for and yap about sneakers. Who’s making too much money, half-pint?

Let’s not mention that the Pampered Pixie herself makes more than that just dancing on the walls in Congress and giving little speeches about how offended she was by the President tweeting. All he said was if you don’t like the country, leave. Totally not racist. There are black countries and Latino countries, you know. You can go back to them. Use your crybaby money to get an aisle seat.

Luckily, Derpette Smurfette hasn’t actually made any moves to affect military pay rates, nor has she mentioned that she plans to. That’s good. Because sweetheart, trust me : you don’t want a couple dozen angry jarheads to show up at your bar on the next karaoke Friday.
They should double the pay of a soldier . They dont pay them enough.
I agree with you: for the enlisted side. If anyone is paid too much, it’s those who are in Congress. Their $175k annual salary for only working about 1/3 of a year is $135,000 overpaid.
This woman should be removed from congress!!!!!!!!
How about $15/hr? Of course they are on duty 24/7/365, so that would come to about $131,000 per year, plus BAQ,BAS, Per diem and Family Separation when deployed,Hazardous Duty Pay, Re-enlistment Bonus…And , of course, that’s for E-1 with minimum time in grade!
I agree with you 100% I served for 20 years protecting her sorry ass. Fought in two wars and am a 100% Veteran. My dear wife has to do everything for me now.
How come? I’m glad the little bitch said this, it will enrage troops and their parents. But what actual good are the troops doing anywhere in the world? Do you support our military theft of Syria’s oil, etc.?
That $23.50/hr pay is based on a 40 hour work week. The Navy, Marines, and Army spend a lot more time per week working or on duty.
In the Navy, we worked more than 40 hours/week. For the 2 submarines I was stationed on, we had a duty day ever 4 days on Georgia and 3, aboard Hampton.
I agree with you: for the enlisted side. If anyone is paid too much, it’s those who are in Congress. Their $175k annual salary for only working about 1/3 of a year is $135,000 overpaid.
EXACTLY.. DECREASE congress, senate an everybody else in there sucking ass, an raise the mimium wage to 15.00 hr. pay the US, an decreasing MILITARY pay? What kind of an idiot are you, ??? obviously do NOT know nothing about defending our, YOUR country if y our claiming US… Stupid ass!!!!
Seriously??? My son has been in the ARMY 6 years and BARELY makes a living wage as a SGT. His uniform allowance is seriously underfunded and he has to put his own cash in for uniforms every year due to wear and tear from missions. If he wants to practice at the range too often he has to buy his own bullets. WTF???? Don’t they want him to be the best shot he can be??? The military is SERIOUSLY underfunded! These soldiers put their lives on the line every day for us and should be paid accordingly. Get your facts straight Alex before you open your mouth! I love that you ask questions and open up subjects no one wants to talk about but don’t put our country at risk!
No. This is not serious. It is “satire.” This means it is made up. She never said this. And this article is going to get a decent coo fired in Louisiana bc he believed it was real so he suggested she be shot. Ma’am, this is fake news disguised as comedy. Very well disguised.
Given all the time in the world to reflect and do research, the cop reacted badly. How would he do in a very serious situation where he needed to make a split-second decision?
Trump directly appeals to those like the cop. For a tangible example, look at his Muslim Ban. If Trump had just ramped up screening, he would have the USA safer than his ban (which wasn’t implemented for several months and which didn’t impact where ISIS embeds are most likely to come from: W. Europe).
So your son made a shitty career choice. Whose fault is that?
Underfunded. That’s adorable.
1st, you do know this is satire right? it says so right up by the author’s name. 2nd, as a army retiree, i can assure you that when your son goes to an official range, he is given the rounds he needs, if he still needs more practice after the amount they give you to zero your weapon and then qualify, then he may need some other assistance. If he is buying rds then he is going t oa range on his own time with his own privately owned weapon.
Omg! You people have worms for brains.
About Us is a subsidiary of the “America’s Last Line of Defense” network of parody, satire, and tomfoolery, or as Snopes calls it: Junk News. Because they’re too ignorant to understand what “satire” means
AOC has to be one of the dumbest people around. Why doesn’t she try to learn how to act in Congress? They need to cut the Squads pay right away.
Maybe grow a brain before name calling… and look up satire.
This is hilarious. This website is a bad version of the onion, google satire if confused. I did appreciate the Hannity quote However.
If this article makes you angry then find a new hobby outside of politics, perhaps a nice coloring book.
The ironic thing is this is exactly what the Republicans were doing in 2011
“Controversy arose after a bill to increase combat pay for military personnel was rejected, and Quayle and David Schweikert high-fived, happy about the bill’s failure.”