Omar and AOC Move to Revoke Citizenship, Deport Melania Trump

president trump fuming

House Representatives Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Saturday announced in a joint statement that they will be introducing a bill on the house floor on Monday that will revoke the First Lady’s status as a naturalized US citizen and have her deported back to her native Slovenia.

The statement goes on to say that Mrs. Trump violated US immigration policies by working as an undocumented nanny.

In addition, she was acting as a paid model for adult diapers by the Joe Barron Adult Diapering Agency In New York City, where she met her future husband, President Trump.

At the time she was engaged in her modeling career, Mrs. Trump allegedly did not have a valid work permit. Because she lied about her alleged illegal adult diapering activities on her citizenship application, the statement concludes that her citizenship must be revoked by law.

AOC spokeswoman Annie Sprinkle explains:

“Mrs. Trump supposedly came here on a so-called “Einstein” visa, which is normally reserved for people with extraordinary talents. Well, it doesn’t take a genius to take your knickers off, replace them with a diaper and stand in front of a camera.

Trust me, I know. On top of everything else, she did so without even so much as a work permit. We are introducing the bill on Monday and referring the matter to the Department of Justice.”

In a sign of what might be to come, sources claim that President Trump has already begun building a luxury golf course in the Slovenian Highlands, complete with a adult themed water sports park. In an odd twist of events, the chief designer of the exotics water sports park is none other than - Joe Barron.

About Watt A Plonker 14 Articles
Watt A. Plonker is a Wurlitzer Prize winning journalist and author of several books on Potato Farming. His latest book, "The Tantalizing Truth About Taters" was on the New York Times best seller list and was awarded the prestigious Creme de la Menthe prize for Culinary Science Fiction. Mr. Plonker lives in Peckham, South East London with his wife Gladys, who is a nurse with the National Health Service, and his pet hamster Rodney.

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