June 14 is Flag Day in America, a day on which we bask in the glory of Ol’ Glory. A time when we wrap ourselves in our banner and revel in the riches ofour nation. A moment in time reserved for talking about stripes through the day and stars in the evening hours.
It’s the most patriotic day on earth. And it’s our President’s birthday.
Yes, President Donald Jamal Trump was born on this most joyous of days, making him the most American president this country has ever seen.So it seems only fitting that this, his greatest accomplishment, be fittingly recognized.
A movement has begun to have Flag Day renamed Trump Time in his honor, and the idea is gaining in popularity faster than the rocket’s red glare.
Even the Great Man himself has given his endorsement!
“Well it would certainly be an honor. It would definitely be an honor.
I won’t ask for it myself. I won’t get the ball rolling but it would really be an honor and I wouldn’t say no.
How could I? It would be the greatest honor a man could have to have a day named after a man who’s president! I’d be the first one! No other president has such an honor!
This is the only flag that matters now amirite?
And I am deserving. No other president has done so much for this country as I have.
Ok. You convinced me. Go for it. Set it up, Congress. Or else I’ll just use my Executive Superpowers.
Speaking of superpowers, weren’t they supposed to come with this gig? How come I can’t fly?”
We here at TGT love this idea. There has been no more deserving man in history than 45. Stay tuned. We will be leading the charge to finally have our leader properly celebrated.
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