Rosanna Blake, the daughter of famed 1960’s civil rights activist, Malcolm X, is speaking out about Obama’s legacy as president and it’s not flattering. She didn’t mince words in her description of the Obama Presidency, callling it “shameful” and “a blight on our history.”
The upcoming Dateline interview will reveal all but we are able to display a few “teasers” provided by the network. Her words follow:
“My father was what you would call a “wannabe rebel”. He took on another faith as an act of rebellion but his heart wasn’t in it. He belonged to Christ and his words and actions showed this.
Obama was the antithesis of my father. He waged war, screamed profanities, lied, and took away the rights and freedoms of the American minorities. Oh, he hid it well. He wrapped it up in bows and made his deeds look virtuous but there was always something sinister behind them. Obama was not pure of heart like my father was.
My dad would be ashamed that the first black man in the White House was Barack Hussein Obama. And so am I. We could have done so much better.”

This is a sentiment echoed by many in the African-American community. Many fear that they will not see another of their ilk as president in their lifetimes and they blame that coming absence on Obama. But to hear that the great civil rights leaders of our time would be disillusioned with Obama’s reign speaks volumes.
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