There’s nothing Democrats won’t do to try to remove President Trump from office. They have lied, they have brought up fake impeachment charges, they have paid off witnesses, they have killed off those who could expose them. They will stop at nothing.
Democrats have now kicked into high gear their scheme to incriminate President Trump in criminal acts he had nothing to do with. Last night, Giuliani associate, Lev Parnas, who has already been convicted on bogus charges related to Ukraine, gave Rachel Maddow an interview on MSNBC. In it, he claimed that President Trump was fully aware of the plan to have the Ukraine government dig up dirt on political opponent Joe Biden, and that he had put all the wheels in motion to get it done. He even produced supposed “documentation” to support his claim.
But now the lid has come off on his testimony. Lev Parnas was in cahoots with another source. The name of the source should come as no surprise - Hillary Clinton and her supposed charitable institution, the Clinton Foundation.
- President Trump, of course, has never even heard of Mr. Parnas
Unearthed documents have revealed a series of financial exchanges between Parnas and the Clinton foundation going back 10 years. Every six months, like clockwork, Lev Parnas has donated the sum of $1000 to the Clinton Foundation, ostensibly for “charitable purposes,” but, given his activities of late, it is much more likely that he was paying them off so that he could do their dirty work.
It is assumed he did this as part of a quid pro quo arrangement. He would pay them and, in doing so, they would allow him to be arrested and to incriminate his boss. It’s all so clear to anyone with a lick of sense. And now that this has been revealed, it is just a matter of time before the dominoes fall and arrests are made.
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