Trump: ‘Biden Is In The KKK And I Can Prove It’

The truth is right in front of you

Joe Biden is the front runner to win the democrat candidacy to run for President of the United States in 2020. Some even feel he could possibly unseat President Trump from the Oval Office. That may soon be changing thanks to some details of his private life that Trump is about to reveal.

“I know something about Pervert Joe Biden. I know something that will knock your socks off. He’s not who you think he is. He sells himself as a man of the people. I don’t know how he thinks he can do that. I’m a man of the people and he’s nothing like me.

But he’s trying. He says he’s for all people. Black, white, red, orange, you name it but it’s a fraud. Joe Biden is in the Ku Kux Klam and I can prove it.

Did you know that? Did you know he’s in the Klam? Nobody knew this. It was a great secret. Nobody knew. But I have the proof. Yes, I do.

So while Joe has been going around saying how he’s going to help the minorities and help the refugees and help the immigrants to this country, he’s been lying. Lying the whole time because he’s in the KKK! Did you know that? It’s true and I have the proof.

A very reliable source has shown me what is indisputable proof of Joe’s Klam membership. He might even be a Grand Poobah! Who knows! This will all come out very, very soon. I have the proof.”

So there you have it. That is proof positive that candidate, and former Vice-President, Joe Icarus Biden is a card-carrying KKK member. Trump 2020 is now a lock.

About Fired Writer 258 Articles
I refused to evolve and wrote fake news for cash, so I got fired.

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