Politics is a dirty business. Mud is slung in every direction, lies get told, it’s a job of years that’s full of slander and slime. This takes its toll on even the most seasoned politicians, as well as their spouses. But nobody is more affected by this filthy display more than the children.
We see this in the Trump White House. No leader in the entire history of the New World has been treated as badly as our glorious one. Yet her persists not giving any hint of being bothered. But as his son Barron told the world, the abuse does affect him deeply.
“One night, I walked into grandad’s bedroom. I mean dad’s. And mom’s. He looked so sad. I asked what was wrong and he said he really wanted to be comforted but Mom had just gotten her new kidneys and I guess she was still tender.
Obviously, he needed comfort because of the media lies! He’s so sensitive!
I know how to make him feel better though every time. When I see him angry, or down, or frustrated, I just read to him. He loves when I read Dr Suess to him. It make him giggle and clap his hands together while jumping in the bed. Nothing makes him happier than when I explain the big words to him! I love making Grandad, I mean Dad , smile!”
Young Barron asked the press to “stop being mean” then walked away to give his big sister, Ivanka, a quick spank for “not doing her best to make dad happy,” he said. He’s already taking a leadership role in his family.
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