Parkland survivor and anti-gun activist David Hogg has made a name for himself after taking on the N.R.A. and other gun-rights advocates. Today, on the fourth of July, America’s Holy birthday, he’s stepping up his game. He and his newly-formed group, “The Children of Peace” plan to stage a sit-in to block President Trump’s amazing military parade with their own bodies. Hogg claims the parade : “Is a childish uneccessary display of the sick and psychotic American gun culture infringing on a national holiday.” Well, a liberal upset about the second amendment. Must be a Thursday.

Hogg and his group plan to meet at the Washington Monument, where they will don blue T-shirts bearing peace signs, and blue caps with the slogan : “Move America’s Guns Away.” After a brief tea party and aerobic work-out to limber up, the party will then march down the parade route to the National Mall, where they intend to clasp hands and sit across the road, singing “Big Man With a Gun” by rock music artist Nine Inch Nails.

Hogg gave a statement to the Washington Queefspress :
“This entire stupid parade is nothing more than Trump stroking his ego. We don’t celebrate the birth of our nation by waving guns around. We celebrate it by coming together as a people against violence and suffering. The money for this parade could have gone to children suffering and dying in Yemen, where the Saudis are dropping our bombs on civilians. It’s sick. Trump is sick. And I’m the cure. Or Elizabeth Warren. She’s probably more the cure than me, but still.”

The National Parade will be televised throughout the day on Fox News so the seniors have something to watch when trying to remain standing up at the family barbecue becomes too much of a chore, and with the kids screaming and the dog barking and that horrible hippity-hop music and all, it’s just too much.
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