Three Shootings, Same Shooter? False Flags Abound

The truth is right in front of you

With three mass shootings in the past two days, questions of authenticity are everywhere.  Did they really happen? Are they false flags? Are the supposed shootings merely massive conspiracies perpetrated by the Democrats and the Deep State to distract from their recent losses and their increasingly evident criminal activities?

Now that photographs of the alleged perpetrators from Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton have all been released to the public, it would appear that last possibility is the most likely. The three  gunman have been identified as Kyle D. Aytonn in Gilroy, Kyle Gill Roy in El Paso, and Kyle L. Passoh in Dayton, Ohio.

But take a closer look at the picture below.

Notice anything? Do you see any similarities? Yes, that’s right - it would appear that they are all the same person. Same glasses, similar hair, same skin color. Same person. It’s obvious.

The liberal law enforcement, however, says differently, as they always do. Liberals have owned the law in all corners of the country for decades, spreading misinformation and assisting the Derp State.

“These are three separate and three very real incidents. The three shooters are not the same person.

The only things these three have in common is living in their parent’s basement, punching drywall whenever they’re pissed at their mom’s for telling them to clean their rooms, playing ‘Call of Duty’ 18 hours a day, and experiencing constant rejection from women all their lives after their pathetic, impotent advances. And they all love Trump.

They’re losers and that’s who Trump attracts.”

The spin from the nation’s corrupt police has already begun. I wonder how much they were paid?

About Fired Writer 258 Articles
I refused to evolve and wrote fake news for cash, so I got fired.

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