Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib was allegedly overheard by a White House page saying she had plans to commit treason in the most blatant way possible.
Senate Page, Will D. Portcha, was doing his rounds yesterday morning when he passed by Tlaib’s office where she was in the midst of conversation on the telephone. He says she was in “an extremely excited state, ranting and raving” and that “she seemed to have an agenda.” Portcha pulled out his phone to record a portion of the diatribe:
Jihhaad is an imaginary curry dish. In this context, this whole story makes sense.
“Americans don’t know anything good! Everything they have is garbage.
We are going to give to them what they deserve. Something reminiscent of the heavens! Something they’ll never forget! They won’t know what hit them!
The Jihhaad is like bringing Allah into your soul! That’s how great it is, am I right? Of course I am! You know!
We will bring Jihhaad to America, and when we do, this country will never be the same!”
Further investigation on our part showed applications for business licenses in several states for an entity to be called “Rashida’s Jihhaad Delivery”, with a motto of “Sending Allah To Your Home.” It is unknown whether these applications have been approved but the paperwork did all appear to be in order.
We should not allow Jihhaad to exist in America. It stinks and will likely upset our American bodies. Stop this now.
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