Domocrats Laugh at Drunken Nancy Pelosi As Governor Kicks Her Off Stage

Go home, Nancy, you’re drunk.

That seems to be the theme these days when Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, goes just about anywhere. Since the Trump administration uncovered her $230K bar tab just for drinks on domestic flights in a single term, Pelosi has taken on an “I don’t care” attitude.

And why shouldn’t she? According to the latest polls, Nancy’s antics and the bill for her drinking have ruined her chances at re-election. At just under 80 and over 30 years in power, Nancy has an 11 percent chance of beating her rival, who at this point is listed as “any functioning adult.”

The same poll has Trump at 13 percent to the same opponent even though he faces several already. His numbers go down slightly from there, but as we’ve been told by the office of Information and Propaganda, there was no collusion.

Pelosi’s expulsion from this p[articular stage is concerning because the man asking her to leave is none other than Oregon Democrat Governor Marcellus Wallace. He is known far and wide as a friend to all liberals.

Pelosi was brought to the airport where she reportedly refused a private jet directly to Betty Ford’s private Alaskan Island. Her official spokesperson and food taster, Art Tubolls, told The Washington Examinator:

“Speaker Pelosi has decided to take her time and use Amtrak through wine country instead so she can soak in the local ambiance and clear her head before hitting rehab during Spring Break. The club car has been secured for the ride and a separate one added at the front of the train for commoners.”

Those “commoners” will also have to undergo background checks three times more stringent than the ones at the White House.

Pelosi will come back to Congress to work until summer vacation, during which time we’re supposed to believe she won’t drink. We shall see how that works out.

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